The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, May 1, 2019, for their May board meeting.  Eighteen directors and nine guests were present.

Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Mark Light, 4-H Extension Agent, stated the extension office has hired a program assistant and they will have 2 student interns for the summer.  Mark announced the 4-H extension program will be hosting a livestock workshop and quality assurance on Saturday, June 1st from 9:30am-noon in the show arena at the Hardin County Fairgrounds.  The program is for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year livestock exhibitors – no matter what age you are.  Mark also announced that their livestock judging for 4-H is being changed to 3 different skill groups.  The exhibitors will be judged in either a beginner group, intermediate group or senior group, depending on how many years the livestock exhibitor has had a project.  

Under correspondence, Judi Cronley announced the Agricultural Society has been awarded a grant to help purchase a digital sign for the front entrance of the fairgrounds.  

The board moved to pay Classic Trophy and Engraving a deposit of $2500 to get started on making the trophies for the Hardin County Fair.  Brad Murphy, chairman for the Executive Committee and Matt Jennings discussed a preliminary strategic plan for the Agricultural Society. The board moved to go forward with developing a strategic plan for the society.  A date for the whole board to add their input to the plan was set for May 13th at 7 pm.  

Kelly Buchenroth, chairman of the ground’s committee, discussed the ground’s committee minutes from last week.  The Ag. Society board agreed to go with Tooman Roofing & Painting to paint the grandstand at a price of $51,000.  Work days for the summer were announced as June 15th, July 20th, and August 10th.  Projects to be done will be installing a fan, painting the racehorse barn roofs, drainage, horseshoe pit tear out and painting the beef restroom.

Judi Cronley stated all fair camping sites have been rented for the 2019 Hardin County Fair.

Rob Wilson, chairman of the Entertainment Committee, gave an update on harness racing for this year’s fair.  

Judi Cronley stated a beef judge for Wednesday of the fair is still needed, all other livestock judges have been acquired.  Livestock weigh license applications have been signed and will be mailed this week to the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture. The mandatory dairy beef feeder vaccinations and weigh-in is scheduled for Saturday, May 25th from 8am-10: 30 am at the fairgrounds. The maximum weight of 350 pounds will be enforced this year.  

Janie Seiler, chairman of the rides/concession/vendor committee stated there are booth spaced for the 2019 Hardin County Fair available, so if there are groups interested in a booth or ground space, submit an application of interest to the Hardin County Fairgrounds and those applications can be located at

Nancy Rickenbacher and Amanda Murphy, advisors for the JR. Fair Board, stated their next meeting will be Monday, June 24th to meet the senior fair board directors.  This will also be a cookout.

Judi Cronley, a member of the advertising committee, showed the coloring books that will be given to county preschool students to color and then bring to the Rotary booth for a free scoop of ice cream during the 2019 Fair.   

Under old business:

Corey Ledley and Judi Cronley attended the District I & II meeting and gave an update on the meeting.  Fair dates were a big discussion at the meeting. Judi Cronley stated judges are still needed for dogs, decorative painting, HS Art, woodworking, photography and crafts for the 2019 fair.  

Under new business:It was announced the Fair Premium book will be available to the public on Friday, May 10th.  Jack McBride raised his concern over the layout of the book.  He does not like the fair book ads that the Kenton Times receives for the book breaking up the categories and classes.  He said it’s very hard to follow when an ad disrupts the classes. The whole fair board agreed with him. Judi Cronley stated she has asked to have all ads put in the back of the book, but that was rejected by the Kenton Times.  Further discussion will be held for future fair books. Judi Cronley stated she has sent out the box seat letters for the 2019 fair. Judi also stated the audit for years 2017 and 2018 has begun. The next board meeting will be Wednesday, June 5th at 7:00 pm in the Fair Office.